Ana Mamani Quispe
Latin America
Agriculture in Bolivia
Ana Mamani Quispe is 38 years old and since 2007 she has been a client of CRECER IFD – Institución Financiera de Desarrollo, a microcredit institution refinanced by the IIV Microfinance Fund. Ana and her husband Leonardo Choque live with their 19-year-old son in the village of Bravo, where they grow cereals and fruit.
In the face of the pandemic and in order not to lose their sales market, they have decided to use WhatsApp and the Internet to secure the sale of their products. She communicated with so many people by using WhatsApp, video conferencing and chatting as much as possible.
Through the use of social media, Ana and her family were able to continue working during the pandemic period and offer their seasonal fruit production. In addition, thanks to the loan from CRECER IFD, Ana was able to purchase agricultural inputs such as corn seed.
*Loans to the microfinance institution via the IIV Mikrofinanzfonds since 2017.